I'm a Mormon.

Monday, October 13, 2008

No coherence

So I really want to write today, but I don't have any specific thing to write about. I guess a lot is happening and there's a million things I want to say, but couldn't have time for half of them to be said. Last night I talked on the phone with an old friend for nearly three hours... which I guess in comparison to some isn't that long, but for me it was a pretty long phone conversation. The weather lately has been so cold it's strange, this morning I scraped ice off my car. I drove to campus this morning, I never drive. I've been eating candy all day, I've only had oatmeal and a burrito other than skittles, starburst, and smarties. I played Wii for four hours today, most of that just happened between Chris and I, we rocked some super-smash butt. I did two CE 203 practice tests today, but I still feel inadequate for the test tomorrow. My day tomorrow is going to be so busy. I love this last weekend, we didn't do anything. We played Starcraft for many many hours (including 'till 3am saturday). I went to an awesome freezing cold football game. I got a free beanie and wore my free shirt. I love the BYU Cougars.., and Max Hall. I didn't really enjoy church. I did like our sunday-school lesson though. I didn't ride my bike all weekend. I saw a movie last thursday, I loved it! I nearly fell asleep in class today. I actually started sweating during dance class (go cha-cha!). I didn't finish today's crossword puzzle. I am slightly tired. We didn't have FHE tonight :( I have homework to do. ...

1 comment:

  1. 3 hours on the phone? wow who would be crazy enough to talk that long? ;)
