I'm a Mormon.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I like music. Not only is it music that I like, but I like sound. It bothers me when watching a movie and the surround sound setting aren't adjusted properly, I love to adjust my equalizer settings all the time for every song, so that it sounds just right. Recently I've been comprimising a LOT on my love for proper sounds. I have an old pair of Apple Ear Buds that I got with my first iPod (a green 4GB mini) that have been through a lot, to the point the cover is sliding off and wire is exposed around the junction. I have a second pair that I picked up somewhere along the way that were equally hashed (including having been through the wash). I have been consistently using the ones that were physically intact (that is the ones w/o exposed wiring) despite their lack of quality sound. The left ear driver was messed up going through the washer and couldn't produce any quality sound (is lost it's bass register), but I settled for it supposing the exposed wires to produce an even worse sound. Last week I lost this faulty pair of earbuds, and today I started using the exposed wire ones (with some clear tape surrounding the junction of course...) and I found that they work great! I could hear stereo again! I watched an episode of Glee and the talking had spacial relativity, the transition sounds were off in the distance, bouncing right to left, what a marvelous experience!! I was so happy I listened to music not only for my whole free hour, but throughout my physics class too!

I was impressed to see how much a good pair of head phones can change your musical experience, something I always knew, but perhaps never appreciated. It makes me think that someday perhaps I will go the whole 9 yards and get myself a $50+ pair like these Skullcandy babies here... For now, I'll stick with the earbuds with exposed wires.

go stereo!

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