I'm a Mormon.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


That is the mathematical symbology used to denote 'the empty set,' not zero, but a set of numbers containing no numbers... It's kind of an interesting concept, in linear algebra vector spaces you can actually prove that 'zero' times a number isn't zero (assuming that 'zero' to be the empty set). I've grown a strange fondness to mathematical theory this semester, something I never imagined I would do, but I have this professor this semester that has really sparked my mind. I don't always know why, but I often find myself deeply involved in his lectures... good stuff. Anyhow, the point of this was not math, but actually dating.

The empty set is what my mind is... or rather it's entirely full of everything and anything and it all cancels out to nothing. It's like infinity minus infinity, it seems like it should be zero, but technically I think it's undefined. Today could have, should have been a lovely resolution to my current dating predicament. In many ways it was, I spent a number of hours with a certain special female and she agreed to date me again. It was not long after we were later separated and I began to think and to realize how unsure I was of our relationship. As the night progressed my head became filled with doubts, second guesses, and along with it sorrow. Once I got home I turned on some music, talked with some friends, and tried to clear my head, and began to laugh at myself for having such doubting feelings. Just a couple of days ago I would have lightly chided this girl for having similar doubts, and now that she was sure, I was the one feeling so insecure. What happened!?!? Truth be told, I don't know... perhaps it's just the hibee-geebies getting me down, but I'll sleep on it and see what works out.

So usually in these posts I like to talk about life, philosophize or bring up interesting subjects. Today however my mind is simply blank, and I really want to write down my feelings... hence {0}.

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