This evening I went on a whim to watch a video production of the french musical, Le Roi de Soleil. It was an amazing production, despite me only understanding 10% of what was said. The costumes and sets were phenomenal, and the music and dancing was beautiful and intriguing. Despite being about 15th century france, it had a very modern feel that made all the boringness of a history story melt away and the excitement that it must have had (back when it actually happened) came through quite strongly. Something I would recommend, although having english subtitles may have proved useful.
Today I lined up an interview for the best job ever!! -oh hush, hush, I'm afraid we don't want anybody else taking the idea, so I can't talk about it.... it's a very top secret, very original theme... I mean job. Anyhow, I'm really excited, and I pray that this will go better than the other ten on-campus jobs I've applied too.
I've been in a bit of a spot as of late over my hair. I'm not usually one to obsess over how I look, but now and again my hair will throw me for a good one.. Today I had to comb it nice and I even put a little hairspray in to keep it there for my choir performance. After the performance though I noticed it in some side glances of semi-silvered windows about campus, and it was not looking good. It was neat, yes, but so plastered and lacking style or attitude. As the progressed some wind knocked it here and there, but really it stayed pretty much the same. Before my evening class I ran my fingers around it trying to bring back a more natural feel, but it just kept looking my mom had combed my hair that morning :-( (not that that's always a bad thing, but...) Anyhow, that is me today.